TikTok users are buzzing about a new trend called “Cortisol Face,” which they claim is caused by high stress levels. This condition, marked by facial bloating and puffiness, has garnered widespread attention on the platform. However, experts suggest that stress alone is unlikely to cause noticeable facial swelling.
Understanding “Cortisol Face”
Also known as “Moon Face,” this trend has taken TikTok by storm, with creators attributing it to elevated cortisol levels due to stress. They share their experiences and offer tips to reduce facial puffiness, such as cutting down on salt, getting adequate sleep, and staying hydrated.
The Science Behind the Claims
Dr. Kanani explains that cortisol can increase fatty tissue around the face, neck, and stomach through a process called lipogenesis. High cortisol levels may also lead to water and sodium retention in facial tissues, causing puffiness. However, these changes are usually subtle and not commonly seen outside of significant medical conditions.
Dr. Murthy adds that chronic stress can exhaust the adrenal glands, leading to abnormal cortisol patterns and persistent swelling. Prolonged cortisol elevation can suppress the immune system, increasing susceptibility to infections and inflammation, which may contribute to facial swelling. Nevertheless, everyday stress typically does not raise cortisol to levels that produce such pronounced physical changes.
How to Treat Facial Puffiness
If you’re dealing with a puffy face, understanding the contributing factors can help manage it. Dr. Murthy highlights several causes, including:
Diet: High salt intake can cause water retention and swelling.
Allergies: Reactions can lead to facial swelling.
Medications: Some drugs, like steroids, can cause fluid retention.
Medical Conditions: Issues like hypothyroidism or kidney disease can result in swelling.
Lack of Sleep: Poor sleep can contribute to a puffy appearance.
Practical Tips to Reduce Puffiness
Diet Adjustments: Reduce salt intake and drink plenty of water to flush out excess sodium.
Sleep: Ensure you get enough rest to improve your overall appearance.
Cold Compress: Applying a cold compress can help reduce puffiness.
Lymphatic Drainage Massage: This can encourage fluid drainage and reduce swelling.
When to See a Doctor
If you frequently experience facial bloating and puffiness, it’s wise to consult a healthcare professional. Dr. Kanani advises seeing a doctor for a proper diagnosis to determine the underlying cause.
The Bottom Line
While TikTok’s “Cortisol Face” trend claims stress-induced facial puffiness, experts argue that stress alone is unlikely to cause significant changes. The symptoms associated with “Cortisol Face” are also linked to Cushing Syndrome, a rare condition of excessive cortisol production. Regular stress doesn’t usually cause noticeable facial changes, so it’s important to consider other factors and seek professional advice if needed.